Bangor City Councilors work through ARPA funding requests at Monday workshop

BANGOR, Maine (WABI) - Bangor City Councilors went back to the grindstone Monday evening during a workshop on ARPA funding. The meeting began with ...

August 12, 2023
3:12 AM

BANGOR, Maine (WABI) - Bangor City Councilors went back to the grindstone Monday evening during a workshop on ARPA funding. The meeting began with updates on previously discussed items. Among them: a $500,000 request from the Bangor School Department. The money would fund the creation of health clinic spaces in the city's two middle schools. Councilors unanimously supported fully funding that request, with the caveat that a dental health component at the clinics will be explored. 'I don't think the dental component should hold us up, but I don't believe it should be implemented until that's addressed.

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